Improving land management in the Fox River Watershed

Open Space ManualIt is one of the great ironies of our time. As more of us move into the country to escape the hustle and bustle of houses, highways, bright lights and loud noises, the harder it becomes to find places where we can be alone in the natural world. . . open space where soil is not eroded, water is not polluted and wildlife abounds. . . open space where the quality of life is enriched. These places are precious and when we own them we should feel more than just satisfaction in our good fortune, we should also feel a responsibility to protect them for the common good.

Option for Open Space is a resource for people who manage undeveloped land including farmlands, prairies, woodlands, wetlands, large lawns or shoreland areas. Fourteen information packed chapters cover the most common habitat types and management decision open-space property owners face when they protect and restore their land. Topics include prairies, shorelines, wetlands and woodlands, farmland, lawns, storm-water ponds, invasive plants, long-term protection options and who to contact for help. Each chapter starts with an overview section followed by a selection of relevant fact-sheets and other helpful literature.

The full guide is packaged in a three-inch, three-ring binder. A condensed version, packaged in a three-quarter inch binder, is also available with much of the information loaded onto a CD. Contact the partnership to order a copy:

Phone: 414-290-2431
Email Andy Yencha