Doing Good in the Community: Retaining Young People

As a group, we all found that it is becoming increasingly obvious that employers in our community are having a challenging time retaining employees. Often employees will find themselves directly out of college starting out their working career in the Waupaca community. Once they have a couple years of work experience, they will move to […]


Doing Good in the Community – Class XVIII Aging in Place Team

Our group started our project knowing we wanted to go in the direction of health care/access to health care. What we found after discussion was a common concern among all that as our population ages, the difficult decisions about whether to leave the home for additional health care support and the financial burden and stress […]

depicts a spider web, representing an interconnected system

Thoughts on Systems

Systems. Of course, all workplace executives or administrators understand and apply the Systems Analysis approach easily and appropriately, right? Unfortunately, this is incorrect issue #1. But let’s gloss over that. Let’s assume they do. I’ve found problem #2 is that when they DO apply Systems Theory well, they often don’t explain the logic behind it well to […]


You Have To Choose

After spending two days in Madison with the Leadership Waupaca County program, these words have resonated with me, “you have to choose,” spoken by Lt Governor Rebecca Kleefish.  The Lt Governor related this statement to balancing our careers and personal life.  Often as leaders we find ourselves feeling the need to do so much to […]

Tom Mosgaller, keynote speaker, discussing how a healthy region depends on how the private, public, and nonprofit/civic sectors work together

Leadership Waupaca County Class XVI Graduation presented by Waupaca County UW-Extension

The Waupaca County UW-Extension office hosted a graduation ceremony for Class XVI Leadership Waupaca County participants. The event was open to anyone interested in growing leaders in Waupaca County communities.It featured Class XVI team project presentations, and the featured speaker was Tom Mosgaller, M.S. The community service project presentations began at 12:15 pm on May 12 at the Waupaca […]