Clay Corner Studio, LLC


Store Name Clay Corner Studio, LLC
A fun place for all ages

Business Type Sporting Goods, Hobby, and Musical Instrument Stores

NAICS Code 4511

Location 303 Third Street, Wausau, WI 54403

Nearby Businesses Specialty clothing, coffee, health foods and shoes

Owner/Manager Martina Strehlow

Special Store Activities Birthday Parties, Classes & Camps, Ladies’ Nights and Story Time

Year Opened 2003


Phone 715-848-2607

E-mail n/a

Community Profile Wausau (population 38,000; 10-mile radius: 80,000) is located in North Central Wisconsin, and is the largest city in Marathon County. Wausau is known for its mining of red granite, and visitors to this city can also experience the Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum, the Granite Peak Ski Area and a world-class kayak course. Wausau’s economy is driven by paper manufacturing, insurance, home manufacturing, tourism and a growing health-care industry. Downtown Wausau is experiencing renewed growth with the addition of new office space, rebuilt pedestrian-friendly streetscapes, and a hotel.

Products Sold & Niche Developed

Clay Corner Studio is a creative workspace where individuals and parties come to paint ceramics of all sizes, shapes, and themes. The ceramics are then fired and available to be picked up later in the week. Ceramic items include a large variety of plates, tiles, figures, piggy banks, mugs, bowls, ornaments, vases, pots for plants, jewelry, pet dishes, boxes, special holiday items, and more. Glass fusing is another popular activity at Clay Corner Studio, where customers can create glass items such as jewelry, suncatchers, plates, bowls, and candle holders. Customers design their own glass piece by cutting and arranging glass pieces to achieve a design they are looking for, we then fire it into one piece to make a unique gift or keepsake. Clay building and t-shirt decorating are additional activities new to the store.

Clay Corner Studio hosts story time, where proprietor Martina narrates a book from the featured topic of the day. This is followed by creative painting time, where each child has the opportunity to paint a ceramic item that goes along with the story, or build one from clay.

Market Segments Served

Clay Corner Studio is a popular birthday and holiday party destination for children and their parents. Activities are for all ages, from children’s birthday parties and treasured newborn foot printed items to corporate parties and ladies night. Drop-ins are common, with a high rate of return customers.

Contributions to the Business Community

Clay Corner is a creative attraction for children, allowing parents to provide children and adolescents an activity downtown while the parents can get shopping and other errands completed. All activities are interactive “creative play” opportunities for parents to interact with their children, or children with other children.

Clay Corner Studio is also involved in many Wausau area activities by providing fundraiser activities, prizes for fundraisers and community groups, hosting school and community classes, and home school groups and events.

Clay Corner Studio’s new location on pedestrian-oriented Third Street, just outside the Wausau Center Mall, is a perfect location to attract new customers and central location is convenient for parents running errands.


Review by: Joshua Clements, UW Extension CCED