Mob Grazing: Is It for You?

Mob grazing is a “new” grazing technique that has been slowly sweeping Wisconsin and the upper Midwest for the last decade. This technique attempts to simulate historical grazing patterns conducted by native herbivores using domesticated livestock. While mob grazing is similar to rotational grazing, producers who implement this practice typically graze taller and more mature […]


Watch for Pasture Weeds this Spring

According to Extension Weed Scientist, Dr. Mark Renz, although spring precipitation has alleviated some concern about a continued drought, we can expect some lingering effects in 2013 related to weed management.  Many pastures last summer were overgrazed, and only the weeds remained green until the late rains in September.  The combination of slow regrowth this […]


Spring 2013 Pasture Management Tips: After the Drought

Wisconsin pastures will need extra TLC in 2013 to overcome the extremely dry and hot conditions that we experienced during the 2012 growing season. Plan to get out on your pastures early this spring to assess their condition, then review previous soil fertility, weed concerns, and grazing records to anticipate site specific issues as you […]