Potassium Fertilizer Management of Pastures

Potassium Fertilizer Management of Pastures by Ken Barnett1, Tom Cadwallader2, Richard Halopka3, Maria Bendixen4, and Nick Schneider5 University of Wisconsin-Extension Introduction Good agricultural practice recommendations have always stressed the importance of the ready availability of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium for plant growth and development regardless of cropping system. However, for managed grazing systems, while there has been a […]


Pod-Line Irrigation of Wisconsin Pastures

Pod-Line Irrigation of Wisconsin Pastures by Alex Crockford1 Introduction Seasonal fluctuations in climate are a concern for all in agriculture. Seasonal extremes of rainfall, solar radiation, and temperature can reduce crop productivity to levels that put stress on the farm business. Prolonged periods, even years of climate stress can erode at a farm’s equity and even […]


Frost Seeding Legumes and Grasses into Established Pastures

Frost Seeding Legumes and Grasses into Established Pastures by Mike Rankin1 University of Wisconsin-Extension Why frost seed? Frost seeding legumes and grasses is common means to improve forage yield or change the species composition of a pasture. Frost seeding offers several potential advantages: the ability to establish forage in an undisturbed sod, a reduced need for […]


Common Poisonous Plants of Concern for Wisconsin’s Livestock

Common Poisonous Plants of Concern for Wisconsin’s Livestock by Anders Gurda and Mark Renz Research Assistant and Extension Weed Scientist, University of Wisconsin-Madison While most plants are safe for consumption by livestock, a few plant species can sicken or even kill animals. This publication overviews what poisonous plants are and under what conditions they can be toxic to […]


Pasture Species Selection for Sheep

Pasture Species Selection for Sheep by Dan Undersander, UW-Extension Forage Agronomist Pasture and hay forage crops generally fall into four categories: Legumes Cool Season Grasses Warm Season Grasses Alternative/annual forages The last category includes many perennials crops, such as rape, kale, comfrey, and all annual forage crops, such as sudangrass, sorghum, and various millets. None of […]


Alpaca Pastures in Wisconsin

Alpaca Pastures in Wisconsin by Dan Undersander, UW-Extension Forage Agronomist Centuries ago, the Inca began raising alpacas for their soft and luxurious fleece.  They pastured their animals in the lowland meadows and marshlands called bofedales, at an elevation of about 4,000 feet above sea level.  The alpaca’s native region has a very short growing season with 75% […]