Intercropping Corn and Kura Clover, Results Demonstration

Intercropping Corn and Kura Clover, Results Demonstration Manitowoc County Forage Council by Scott Hendrickson1 Introduction Recent research (Albrecht et al., 1998, 1999) has developed a promising new system for situations where erosion is a problem under alfalfa-corn rotations. Although soil losses during years of established alfalfa are minimal, losses can exceed allowable limits during the year of […]


Using Soybean as Forage

Using Soybean as Forage by Ron Wiederholt and Ken Albrecht Introduction Soybean is presently grown almost exclusively as a protein and oil-seed crop in the USA, but it was previously a popular summer annual forage legume. Soybean may still be considered a viable alternative forage when alfalfa or clover are in short supply due to winter-killing […]


Interpretation and Use of Silage Fermentation Analysis Reports

Interpretation and Use of Silage Fermentation Analysis Reports by Limin Kung and Randy Shaver Introduction Fermentation analyses have long been used in university and industry research trials to assess silage quality. These analyses are now available for evaluating silage quality on farms through commercial forage testing laboratories. Analyses commonly included in silage fermentation reports are pH, lactic, acetic, […]


The Effect of Maturity on NDF Digestibility

The Effect of Maturity on NDF Digestibility by P.C. Hoffman, K.M. Lundberg, L.M. Bauman and Randy D. Shaver Introduction Recently forage testing laboratories have begun to evaluate forages for neutral detergent fiber (NDF) digestibility. Evaluation of forage for NDF digestibility is being conducted to improve laboratory prediction of animal performance. One of the factors that influences […]


Pasture Species Selection for Sheep

Pasture Species Selection for Sheep by Dan Undersander, UW-Extension Forage Agronomist Pasture and hay forage crops generally fall into four categories: Legumes Cool Season Grasses Warm Season Grasses Alternative/annual forages The last category includes many perennials crops, such as rape, kale, comfrey, and all annual forage crops, such as sudangrass, sorghum, and various millets. None of […]


Anhydrous Ammonia for Legume-Grass Silage

Anhydrous Ammonia for Legume-Grass Silage by Randy Shaver Introduction Anhydrous ammonia has long been added to corn silage to increase nitrogen content and improve its aerobic stability. Some recent popular-press articles made mention of farmers that either use or have used this additive on legume-grass silage. This article will address the potential benefits or risks associated […]


Farming for Nitrogen: Intercropping Corn and Kura Clover

  Farming for Nitrogen: Intercropping Corn and Kura Clover by Ken Albrecht1, Tyson Ochsner2, and Bob Berkevich1 Summary Corn grown in suppressed kura clover requires little or no nitrogen fertilizer, an input cost that is expected to remain high in the foreseeable future. Permanent groundcover in this intercropping system would be expected to minimize soil loss […]