Understanding Social Security Insurance Programs

Social Security is more than just a retirement program – it is a social insurance that pays benefits to:
  • People who have already retired
  • People who are disabled
  • Survivors of workers who have died
  • Dependents of Beneficiaries

The Issue Brief provides an easy to follow overview of the Social Security Insurance Programs.  The PowerPoint provides a more in-depth education for understanding the Social Security Insurance Programs and their implications for personal finance.

Issue Brief

Understanding Social Security
(Nov. 2010)

mp3 File*

Understanding Social Security
(Nov 2010)

Power Point
(with notes)
Understanding Social_Security

Slide show as a Pdf

Understanding Social_Security
(slides only)

Pdf of notes pages

Understanding Social_Security
(notes pages)

*Click to listen now or follow the steps on this tip sheet to download the audio file to an mp3 player for later listening: Adding Podcasts to iPods

Links from the SSA: