Fond du Lac County Forage Council Corn Silage Dry Down Days

10 am to 12 noon | Country Visions Cooperative | 457 W 11th Street, Fond du Lac

Tuesday, August 28
 Next day results via UW-Marshfield Forage & Soils Lab
Tuesday, September 4
 Same day results with on-site moisture test with Dairyland Labs
Tuesday, September 11
 Next day results via UW-Marshfield Forage & Soils Lab
  • No fee
  • Morning of the dry down day, cut 4 to 5 stalks at chopper height, representative of the field, from inside the field, avoiding field border and headland effects
  • Drop off samples between 10 am and 12 noon at Country Visions Cooperative
  • Provide the following information with samples: name; city/town; contact info; hybrid variety and relative maturity; and planting date

Thank you to the following businesses for their financial support: Country Visions Coop | CP Feeds | Monsanto (Dekalb Seeds) | Syngenta (NK Seeds) | Dow Agro Sciences (Mycogen Seeds) | Winfield United (Croplan Seeds) | Dairyland Seed | Hodorff Seed & Agronomy | Vellema Seed-Pioneer |Oakfield Elevator | Community Ag Service | Farmers Elevator Waupun| Landmark Coop

Results available at