But we always do that! It’s our tradition!

pexels-photo-62407Has your tween ever given you a hard time when a family tradition changed? Traditions and rituals make family life more predictable and give tweens a sense of security.  Maintaining or establishing family, cultural or religious rituals and traditions is one key to building strong families and helps build a sense of identity for your child.

Be an eParent®! Create video messages for your child at special life moments such as birthdays, school transitions or holidays.  Put together a digital photo album to give to another family member as a gift.

Family rituals give us a chance to reconnect and provide important opportunities to teach family values. They give children a sense of belongingness and a feeling of being worthwhile. They also promote a sense of identity, which will later serve as a basis for adult development. The importance of recurring family rituals, from shared evening meals to family holiday traditions, is an important part of healthy adolescent development.

Find tips on how to create meaningful family rituals.

To learn more explore our Parenting and Family Relationships website or like us on Facebook.

Revised November 2018

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