Thursday Morning

image of women studying insects

Adult Learning Mythbusters

Have fun while testing your knowledge of how adults learn (hey, you are one, right?) while reflecting on your Extension Master Gardener Coordinator conference experience. Explore some of the pervasive myths about how people learn. Be ready for some friendly competition with your fellow conference attendees – form teams, take the challenge solo, it’s up to you!

Speaker Biography

molly immendorfYour emcee and guide for this program is Molly Immendorf, Design Manager, Impact Collaboratives, eXtension Foundation.

With over 25 years experience as a trainer, Instructional Designer, and Instructional Technologist, Molly has fun with learning and recommending technology solutions for enhancing learning experiences.  Molly has an M.S. in Curriculum and Instruction with a concentration in Educational Communications and Technology from the University of Wisconsin – Madison and a B.S. in Design and Merchandising from Drexel University.


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Related Information

Speed-Round Presenters

Combining On-line and Hands-on Education for Successful EMG Trainings

Several years ago, an EMG Unit approached the State Office about developing an online style class combined with hands-on learning labs, headed by the local Agent and a volunteer with a previous career in online education. This Unit developed a set of online PowerPoints covering training topics for asynchronous use and developed hands-on laboratories for discussion and learning. After several successful training classes had utilized this program, showing both increased diversity and higher retention than traditional training classes, the State Office has pursed developing these resources and making them available statewide for other Units to utilize. With volunteer and Agent efforts, we have developed multiple training modules, policies, and best management guidelines and made these available in our statewide database, the Volunteer Management System (VMS). In this presentation, we will share the process of developing these resources and how the online hybrid classes differ from the traditional, classroom style training.

Make Your Training Programs Fun!

Lecture is a bad word and a three hour death by PowerPoint lecture is worse than purgatory! Extension Master Gardeners love to learn and are motivated to learn. Capture this excitement by involving them in teaching the class – and make your life easier. During this session, you will learn how to take a three-hour session on any horticulture topic and turn it into a fun class that encourages learning and teamwork. EMGs are involved in the teaching along with guidance from you, the expert on the topic. Not only do they learn, but they begin to meet others in the class and develop a bond with their peers. In addition, there will be open discussion regarding teaching techniques that work (and are fun for the learner).

Utilizing Experiential Learning Gardens to Enhance the Maui Master Gardener Training Course

The Maui Master Gardener training course utilizes an Experiential Learning Garden (ELG) to provide hands-on learning opportunities for Master Gardener Trainees. The ELG is used to strengthen and enhance delivery of course content and techniques such as pest and disease ID, introduction to new vegetables and plant combinations, and management and harvest strategies. 75% of trainees said their horticultural knowledge and skills increased after working in the ELG. 65% of trainees said they applied knowledge learned in class to their ELG.