A toolkit for analysis pedagogy focusing on authentic practice and collaboration

Collaboratively analyzing data. Data Jams are collaborative analysis sessions that build  capacity in effectively analyzing qualitative data. In series of half-day and full-day sessions, teams analyze their data, working towards project findings, publications, and further studies. The Data Jam Curriculum creates a flexible frame for both research teams and evaluation specialists in consulting roles to guide analysts through their research and to build capacity in qualitative analysis and software use.

Interested in Data Jams? Access the free Data Jam Toolkit here!

Learning through making. A key feature of Data Jams is that participants walk away from the session with concrete products, such as thematic or topical write-ups or a series of tested code definitions. To achieve this, Data Jams are designed to connect teams, researchers, evaluators and educators to develop commonly shared concepts and analytic skills. These shared skills and concepts in turn enable teams to analyze sprawling qualitative data sets across content and evaluation experts. As an institutional approach to evaluation and research  capacity building, Data Jams foster organizational data literacy and equitable skill development in research and evaluation teams.

Successful in variable settings. Data Jams can be used to kick-start the work of analysis teams, they can be used as a consulting and mentorship approach, and as an approach for teaching the use of Qualitative Data Analysis Software. The focus on creating a qualitative research maker-space makes the Data Jam Curriculum  a powerful asset and addition to traditional qualitative methods education. The Data Jam curriculum can be used in academic departments and programs, summer schools, and as a capacity building framework in service learning programs.

Learn more about the impact of data jams on professional evaluators, research teams and outreach educators in this 3-minute video