Red Clover Harvest Management

Red Clover Harvest Management by Daniel W. Wiersma and Jennifer Bolen Introduction Red Clover is widely grown throughout the United States and Canada. Red Clover is often grown in areas with low soil pH or fertility, and poor soil drainage. Traditionally, red clover is cut twice a year when it is at 50% bloom or greater. With this harvest system farmers end up cutting too late to […]


Root Rot and Crown Rots and Virus Diseases of Alfalfa and Clover

Root Rot and Crown Rots and Virus Diseases of Alfalfa and Clover by Dean Malvick, Assistant Professor of Plant Pathology Department of Crop Sciences University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign A goal for many forage producers is to plant alfalfa and clover, harvest high yields on an appropriate schedule, and retain stands for many years. Numerous obstacles, however, prevent […]


Frost Seeding of Forages

Frost Seeding of Forages by Dan Undersander, University of Wisconsin Frost seeding is broadcasting forage seed onto the ground surface while the ground is still frozen in the spring.  The principle is that repeated freezing and thawing of the soil surface causes surface cracks in the soil which allow seed incorporation. Frost Seeding of Forages Farmers have […]


Frost Seeding Forages into Established Pastures

The fundamental principle behind frost seeding is that alternating freezing and thawing, along with spring rains, will help to incorporate the broadcast seed into the soil surface. Frost seeding of legumes and grasses can be used by graziers as a means to improve pasture yields or change forage species composition within the pasture without complete […]


Red Clover Trial Results, 2010-2020

Red Clover Variety Trial Results 2010-2020 k Download excel file below to view trial results with cuttings. k All yield data is reported in tons per acre of dry matter (T/Ac DM). All Data (Red-Clover-Variety-Trial-Results-2010-2020)



Bloat by Dan Undersander and Dave Combs What is bloat? Bloat is a digestive disorder characterized by an accumulation of gas in the first two compartments of a ruminant’s stomach (the rumen and reticulum). Production of gas (primarily carbon dioxide and methane) is a normal result of fermentation processes. The gas is usually discharged by belching (erutication) but, […]


Red Clover Forages for Lactating Dairy Cows

Red Clover Forages for Lactating Dairy Cows by Patrick C. Hoffman and Glen A. Broderick Introduction Red clover is a legume that is well adapted to poorly drained soils and more tolerant of lower soil pH and fertility than alfalfa. The yield potential of red clover is excellent and red clover varieties can have higher forage […]