Food Processing Survey

Calling all Processors; we want to hear from you!


How are you looking to grow or improve your food business? What challenges or obstacles do you face? What resources do you utilize? What resources do you need? Let us know by completing a short 15 minute survey at:

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This survey is a part of a project led by the University of Wisconsin-Extension, titled: The Wisconsin Food Innovation Facility Opportunity Analysis Project. This project began on October 1, 2013 with funds from the Federal Economic Development Association (EDA) grant and will conduct a statewide needs assessment of Wisconsin’s food processing and manufacturing support infrastructure to answer these questions! Learn more about the project at:

Your survey response will help the UW-System, state agencies, and other project partners improve and coordinate their support for Wisconsin’s food processing industry.

Your answers will be kept confidential unless we seek your written permission to recognize your company name in our final report.

However, we do request information about your company so we can follow up to request more in-depth information and/or to provide you information that may address your current needs.

Please complete the survey no later than Friday, February 14th.

EDA partners