The Emergence of Mobile Finance

The Emergence of Mobile Finance: what it means for you and your community. The majority of financial payments have switched from paper checks to electronic payments.  For more than a decade, people have managed bank accounts and paid bills online using home computers. The emergence of mobile phones has expanded the use of mobile devices […]


Employer and Workplace-based Financial Education

This brief describes recent research on workplace-based financial education delivered by or with community based educators. The goal of this review is to inform educators and encourage dialogue with local partners. Issue Brief: Employer and Workplace-based Financial Education mp3 file*:Employer and Workplace-based Financial Education (conversation on 1/20/2014) *Listen now or download the audio file to […]


New Learning Strategies for Online Financial Learning

The opportunity to utilize online innovations for financial learning is rapidly expanding.  This brief offers examples of strategies that are currently available and the ways that they can be used to enhance financial education for community-based educators.  The brief is rich in resources which are also listed below for your convenience. Issue Brief:  Using New […]


New Strategies for Financial Education for Preschool Aged Children and Families

There are many financial education programs targeted at adults and high school students, and even a few aimed at school children. Strategies are now emerging to deliver programs and curricula aimed even at very young children, age 4-5, before entering elementary school.  This brief summarizes recent research that informs financial education strategies for preschool age […]


Protecting Elders from Financial Abuse

Financial abuse involves the misuse of a senior’s financial resources by family members, friends or (more rarely) strangers.  This brief further defines financial abuse, why elderly are targets, and the warning signs that abuse may be occurring.  The brief also gives tips for preventing financial abuse and what to do when abuse is suspected.  Most […]


Affordable Care Act Conversation

The Affordable Care Act, or ACA, has a large number of features impacting the marketplace, consumers and small businesses. In this conversation state specialist J. Michael Collins and outreach specialist Caroline Gomez focus on the impacts on families especially related to budgeting, taxes and other financial management tasks that people may need to plan ahead […]


Planning for Retirement: Understanding Social Security Claiming Options

Deciding when to claim Social Security benefits is a challenging financial decision that requires an assessment of your life expectancy, ability to work, health care needs, spousal situation and financial solvency. The complexity of the Social Security system can be overwhelming. The Sept, 2012 brief and audio file explore a few of the financial issues […]


Understanding Financial Capability

What does it mean to be “financially capable,” how does financial capability differ from financial literacy, and are these terms simply buzzwords with short shelf lives?  The FINRA survey data suggests a more comprehensive approach, including a well-being or wellness focus that does not judge the choices people makes, but helps them in the context […]


Using Behavioral Economics to Improve Financial Counseling and Coaching

Behavioral economics integrates findings from psychology and economics into the study of human behavior.  This brief summarizes five ways that behavioral economics can inform the work of financial counselors and coaches. Issue Brief Using Behavioral Economics to Improve Financial Counseling and Coaching mp3 file* Using Behavioral Economics to Improve Financial Counseling and Coaching (March 18, […]