Farm Business Management

Affordable Care Act & Farm Families

Farm families, as small business owners, often need to purchase health insurance coverage for themselves.  Farm families are also often managing employees and need to make decisions about what they will offer as healthcare coverage for their employees.  The Affordable Care Act changes many parts of the healthcare system and will impact farm families in many ways.

On December 3, 2013, Dane County UW-Extension Crops and Soils Educator, Heidi Johnson presented a webinar that provided an overview of some of these changes and how they will impact farm families in Wisconsin.  Click here for a recording of this webinar.

This is a copy of Heidi’s presentation slides:  Farm families and ACA (PDF, 2MB)

Here are a few other resources that farm families may find useful:

The Smart Choices workbook helps families calculate through their healthcare needs annually and use this information to choose a healthcare plan that works best in their familiy’s budge.

This is the application and instructions for application for Individual Healthcare Coverage in the marketplace.  Families can apply online in the marketplace but this paper application gives an idea of the questions that will be asked.