AARP Livable Communities – An Evaluation Guide

The AARP pubAARP  redlished a revision of the Liveable Communities: An Evaluation Guide in 2005. The guide is comprehensive and still very useful today. The purpose of the guide is to help residents and community leaders take a new look at the community or neighborhood in which they live. The guide helps residents follow a process to identify areas where they can direct energy and resources toward making their community more livable.

A community survey, such as those contained in the Liveable Communities: An Evaluation Guide, are useful tools for communities to start conversations and mobilize others to effect change. The Livable Communities guide is divided into issue sections and provides a survey form in which a community can adapt to their needs. It then provides follow-up steps to address issues identified and surveyed. The issue topics contained in this guide include:

  • transportation
  • walking
  • safety and security
  • shopping
  • housing
  • health services
  • recreation and culture
  • caring and mutual support